A pariah is the man of letters with some darker strings attached, often linked with a shameful and/or illegal past.
Pariah Skills
Unless otherwise stated, all pariah skills require a DEX check.
Allows the pariah to sneak up on a target to deal maximum damage. The backstab can only be performed when the target is unaware of such an incoming attack. The pariah receives +1 to attack roll, when backstabbing, and he can use only one-handed weapons when attacking.
Pick pockets
It allows pariah to steal objects lighter than a stone on target's backpack, pocket, etc. It can also be used to steal coins from someone's pouch. (In that case, roll six d6s to determine the coins collected. 6: gold, 5-4: silver, 3: bronze.) Unsuccesful attempts do not aler the target, unless the roll is 1.
Any creature can climb a hill, but a pariah has years of experience in climbing sheer surfaces of building while sneaking in and out in the labyrinthine alleys of towns.
To determine the height climbed, roll # d6s, #being equal to the character's REFL. The sum of the rolls determine the distance climbed in yards in a punct. Treat 1s as failures; i.e. slipping, losing grip, etc. and roll a REFL save. If the save fails, the character receives damage equal to the distance he has fallen from in yards.
As a result of living among all kinds of beasts and men, a pariah can sense and/or notice creatures within his surroundings even when they are hidden or obscured by darkness. It takes a punct for a pariah to read the signs, smell the air, and listen for any sounds before identifying the creature. (Roll an INT check). If successul, the character can identify the type of the creatures in an occupied POI, or the subtype of the legendary monster inhabiting a lair.
In addition, detect can be used to listen to doors in POIs. Although, any creature can listen to voices/sounds at the other end of a door, a pariah has years of experience in talking to individuals from other cultures, so he has the ability to interpret the voices and sounds correctly. (Roll an INT check to interpret what the character hears correctly.)
A pariah's experience with picking locks helps him in disarming the traps set to protect treasure in containers. To disarm a trap, first a pariah must securely identify the existence of a trap. (Roll a DEX check). If the search for a trap fails, it is automatically sprung.
Once the treasure trap is confirmed, roll a d6 to determine the complexity of the mechanism. Then, a pariah can attempt to disarm it by rolling six d6s, and removing any die roll lower than his DEX. Each roll represents an attempt and it takes one punct. He can re-roll the remaining dice as many times as he wishes; each time removing the dice with rolls lower than his DEX, until he has removed number of dice equal to the trap's complexity.
The attempt to disarm it fails and the trap is sprung if none of the dice rolled is lower than his DEX.
A pariah can blend in with his surroundings, making him almost invisible to the average eye. To achieve this, he must stay motionless during the hiding period, and must focus on his breathing, controlling it. (Roll a DEX check) He can stay hidden for # minutes, # being equal to his DEX.
Lockpicking requires a locksmith's specialist kit, and a pariah uses this kit to unlock any kind of mechanism that bars his acecss.
All kinds of locks have three qualitites which need to be met to be unlocked, ranging from 1 to 6. These are time, trial, and tool. (To create lock values, roll three d6s and assign them in order of time, trial, and tool.)
To pick a lock, roll six d6s and pick three of them. If any of the rolled die you picked meet any of the required value of the lock, place them at the appropriate corner on the visual below. Otherwise, place them on any one of the spots marked with zero (0).
To unlock, a pariah has a number of moves equal to his DEX to place the dice into the appropriate corner. With each move forward or backward, the die roll decreases by one. By the time it reaches the related corner on the graph, the die's roll value must be equal to the lock's required value. When all three values are met, the lock is considered picked.
For every move toward time, a character spends an additional punct to pick the lock. For every move toward trial, there's 1/6 chance that the trap will be sprung. For every move toward tool, there's a 1/6 chance that the locksmith tool will break.
All characters can move quietly, but a pariah has the ability to be completely silent when moving to sneak through the enemies, or approach a creature without it ever noticing.
Roll six d6s and collect any die with a roll lower than the pariah's DEX. The number of dice collected equals the distance travelled silently in yards. (This takes a punct). If the number of failed dice rolls is higher than the successul ones, it means that pariah is heard or made some noise.
For attempts made with heavy armour, roll five (instead of six) d6s.
Pariahs have a familiarity with most languages spoken in their region, as well as a basic understanding of most common languages used in arts and learning. This allows pariah to have a chance to decipher the carvings on secret doors, or any other type of documents. You can use the table below, based on the POI, to determine if the pariah can read the signs. Roll a d6 and refer to the table.
Pariah Careers
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