Character Generation
Roll four d6s, and drop the lowest-value die. Then assign each of the three remaining die roll to an ability. (STR, DEX, INT). Additionally, you may adjust the values up to two points; adding to one skill while subtracting it from another.
A character’s perks are determined by the ability scores automatically. Refer to the table below and note them down.
Once you finalized the three ability scores, add the three ability scores and divide the sum by three, rounding down the result. This value represents the character's charisma.
Alternate Character Generation
For a more hands-on approach, you can follow the steps given below to generate a character:
Roll four d6s, and ignore the die with the lowest value.
Add the values of three remaining dice.
Distribute the total among the three abilities (with six being the maximum value).
Note down perks based on the values you assigned to each ability.
Calculate the character's charisma by adding the three ability scores and dividing the sum by three, and rounding down the result.
Note down morale based on the charisma value.
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