Degress of Gameplay
There are three types of gameplay. Firstly; the character gameplay, in which you control a single character, and any retainers. Then you there is skirmish gameplay, in which you control a small warband, finally there is the domain gameplay in which you control various warbands, waging battles.
There are five degrees of round, each with different scopes; combat, delve, exploration, company, and faction, and each operate on a different level, in the sense that the focal units of measurement with each type of round differ. You may alternate among these degrees, zooming in and out as you see fit.
Combat, delve, and explorion rounds fits into the first type of ; i.e character type. Company rounds belong to the skirmish gameplay, and the faction rounds belong to the domain gameplay.
Combat is for moments of fighting. It uses a one-yard hex grid, and its standard round duration is a moment. Delve is for going into points of interest to find, and occasionally kill things. Its standard round duration is a punct. Exploration is for traveling overland and hexcrawling, and it operates on one-league hexes and its round duration is a watch. Company is for actions when you set up a base of operation, and you have started to gain a small following. It also operates on one-league hexes and its round duration is a week. And finally the domain round operates on one-league hex maps and its round duration is one month.
The game is time-tracked; meaning the actions available for your character, and the events happening around him are determined by the passage of time.
Time is tracked in rounds. There are five types of rounds.
a moment
for fighting monsters and men
a punct
for delving into points of interest
a watch
for surviving in the wilderness
a week
for exerting influence with your retainers
a month
for establishing dominance with your power
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